The Basset Hound Club of Wales Replies to Pedigree Dogs Exposed
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A blog in support of purebred show dogs and their breeding.
Why do they WANT dogs with that much loose skin? Its characteristic for the breed, yes, but do the dogs want to look like that? Are its healthy to look like that? No, its not. Its one of those breeds that cost the most money to have insured because of the high vet costs.
You obviously didn't read what the Basset Hound Club of Wales presented in defense of the function of the loose skin. The loose skin is less likely to be punctured or damaged. They compared it to an under-inflated ballon versus a full balloon. The full balloon with tight sides is easily popped in comparison with an under-inflated balloon. Breeds are composed of dogs from breeders with varying degrees of conscience and dedication to the breed - including breeders for show, puppy mill operators, commercial kennels, and one-time breeders. Show breeders, who are the ones blamed for breeding the loose skin, comprise about 10% of the registered Basset Hounds - 10% of the dogs can't account for high insurance rates for the breed (if it is indeed true that insurance rates are high for Basset Hounds). Ninety percent of registered dogs come from puppy mills and commercial breeders and the largest number from one time breeders. Do the math and draw your own conclusions.
Yes because clearly a DOG is the same as a BALLOON!
Nice blog of biased proportions!
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