Basset Hound breeder and Text & Communications Consultant Jon Buscall has a number of suggestions for how dog breeders can use public media to counter some of the anti-breeder and anti-purebred dog propaganda that is out there - the titles may lead you to think these are all business focused links but take a look at them and you will see that they are actually all pro-purebred dog focused.
Promote Your Campaign Online
A Weblog is Essential for Crisis Management
How Would Your Company Respond to an Attack from the Media?
Is Caroline Kisko a Liar? A Story of Web 2.0 PR
Promote Your Campaign Online
A Weblog is Essential for Crisis Management
How Would Your Company Respond to an Attack from the Media?
Is Caroline Kisko a Liar? A Story of Web 2.0 PR
Related post: Setting the Record Straight
The one advantage that Terrierman has is that he has been blogging for quite some time and has built up a bank of blog posts. Doesn't matter that they are inaccurate and misleading, in this case tabloid-like quantity can be more compelling than factual quality for folk not familiar with the issues. Collectively, we breeders could "exterminate" Terrierman (and others like him) at one fell swoop if enough of us use the various internet media formats to our advantage. Large quantities of factual quality information will be more persuasive in the long-run than sensationalistic ploys to draw attention (seemingly more to stroke his ego than for the purebred dog cause).
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