This great post from, Mary Spinelli, came through the Canadian Showdogs email list:
So far, three Atlantic province Veterinarian Associations have banned their member vets from performing these surgeries (cropping and docking).They did it surreptitiously, in direct contradiction to breeder input and passed it unilaterally. Playing nice with these organizations is a non-starter because they don't want to play at all.
I've said this before and I do mean it. If these organizations wish to pattern themselves on some Utopian concept of European morals then I will make it my all-consuming passion to have them accept all European standards. European norms do not allow for mass spaying and neutering, cat declaws, de-barks or many other "elective" procedures that are the bread and butter of North American veterinarians.
I'll have plenty of time to devote to my new mission, since I won't be breeding Dobermans. Many other breeders, from across the many Conformation Groups won't be breeding either. Not only will I no longer be breeding dobermans, I will effectively be "out of business". At least I realize that breeders are the life-blood of my business (breeder-based software applications). North American vets will learn to their peril that once they've acquiesced to the Animal Rights terrorist in their midst, that the remainder of the A.R. (read PETA) agenda will be more easily achieved, likened to tumbling dominoes.
Here are some interesting fact for the North American veterinarian to ponder:
England has 5 vet colleges for a population of 61 million people.
France has 3 (65 million people), Germany 5 (81 million people) , most
have but one college. The United States ? They have 31 schools for 308
million people. Canada? We have 4 for 33 million people. This chart
sets out the data nicely.
COUNTRY # of Colleges Population ratio
(in millions)
England 5 61 12.2
France 3 65 21.7
Germany 5 81 16.2
United States 31 303 9.7
Canada 4 33 8.3
Why do Europeans have so few Vet schools, by population? Because they don't need them! General conclusion? There will be a lot of unemployed vets if we adopt the European standard of veterinary care. The ironic part? They will have done it to themselves.
Mary Spinelli, css@ns.sympatico.ca
Canine Specialty Software
Adlerheim Dobermans
(Posted with permission)